Selection of Past Outreach
Podcasts, Radio Programs & Interviews
Geen uitkering voor migranten? Zo zet je de verzorgingsstaat op de tocht (engl.: No social support for migrants? This is how you put the welfare state at risk), NRC Newspaper (2024). Link
Welfare chauvinism: a persistent virus for the welfare state, University of Amsterdam News (2024). Link
Welvaartschauvinisme: sociale rechten enkel voor de ‘eigen’ mensen? (eng. Welfare chauvinism: social rights only for ‘own’ people?), (2024). Link
Hoe ‘welvaartschauvinisme’ een cruciale rol speelt bij de opkomst van radicaal-rechts (engl.: How ‘welfare chauvinism’ plays a crucial role in the rise of the radical right), Daagblad van het Noorden (2024). Link
Empathy for asylum seekers plummeting among Dutch voters, NL Times (2024). Link
Empathie voor migranten kalft in rap tempo af, onder kiezers van vrijwel alle partijen (engl.: Empathy for migrants rapidly eroding, among voters of almost all parties), De Volkskrant (2024). Link
European social citizenship: What does the public think? European Trade Union Institute Podcast. Link
Brexit Folgen für die Wissenschaft (Engl.: The consequences of Brexit for academia), Deutschlandfunk. Link
Der Chaos-Brexit und seine Folgen (Engl.: The chaotic Brexit and its consequences), 1LIVE Reportage. Link
Deutsche in Grossbritannien: Zukunft ungewiss (Engl.: Germans in the UK: Uncertain Future), wdr2 radio. Link
Blog Posts & Policy Reports
Eick, G. M., & Larsen, C. A. (2022). Welfare chauvinism or cash-benefit chauvinism? JESP European Social Policy Blog. Link
Eick, G. M. (2015). Vorurteile und Kontakt: eine Datenanalyse im Rahmen der Studie Zusammenleben in Hamburg für die Behörde für Arbeit, Soziales, Familie und Integration der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg. (Engl.: Prejudice and Contact: A Data Analysis as part of the study ‘Living together in Hamburg’ for the Office of Labour, Social Affairs, Family and Integration of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg). Link | PDF
Invited Talks
Welfare chauvinism in Europe: The opposition towards social benefits and services for migrants and refugees, European Studies Centre, University of Oxford (2024).
Investing in migration: Public support for granting migrants and refugees social investment policies, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Society (2024).
Welfare chauvinism in Europe: Should migrants and refugees receive social benefits and services?, Herman Deleeck Centre for Social Policy, University of Antwerp (2024).
The concept of European social citizenship: Past, present and future, Hans-Böckler-Stiftung (2022). Program Link | Video Link
Welfare chauvinism in Europe, Democracy and Elections Research Cluster, University of Manchester (2022).
Migration levels, welfare support and inequality perceptions: Evidence from administrative districts in Germany, Sociology Department, Umeå University (2021).
Welfare chauvinism across different policies, Social Policy and Social work team, University of Leuven (2019).
Reluctant to share? Majority populations’ attitudes towards limiting social protection rights for immigrants, Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies, University of Liège (2019).
Programme-specific welfare chauvinism across Denmark, Germany and the UK, Centre for Comparative Welfare Studies, University of Aalborg (2019).
Public Events and Academic Conferences
I regularly help organizing public events and academic conferences, and I enjoy presenting my work to further engage in discussions with others. For example, I have participated in events and conferences from the following groups and networks: Council for European Studies, European Consortium for Political Research, nccr – on the move, European Network for Social Policy Analysis, IMISCOE, The3million.
Most recently, I organised the public launch of my book “Welfare Chauvinism in Europe” at SPUI25 in Amsterdam City Centre. The video from the event is available here.